Saturday, March 29, 2008

Owen the Dancing Machine.....

This is somewhat of a flashback post....I took these in December, but with all the excitement of Christmas, I totally forgot about them until I came across them while organizing my photo files this week....

Owen is a maniac. A sweet, sweet dancing maniac. He LOVES dancing. And he has a style that's all his own.

It's TOTALLY fun to watch him (especially since he needs no partner or audience). It's even more fun to watch him when he's dancing in front of lots of people. Like, his preschool Christmas program....where he's the only one dancing....and having a blast!

Here's Owen....He's the one in the white shirt and striped tie..(in case you couldn't see the clear marking indicating which kid is mine, haha).

All seems pretty normal.... The kids are singing some sweet little Christmas song...

Oh, but wait....

The music is starting to groove with Owen...and he with the music.... See his foot tapping?

Ooh, that's some good music...he feels like doing a spin move...

How can you guys not be dancing? This is GREAT music!

Yeah, get down! Put your hands in the air like you just don't care!

Oh, but wait.....

Wait for it......

Wait for it......

Trust me, it's worth waiting for.....

The move to top all moves....


I think that move deserves a closer look!

You've got mad dancing skills, little buddy...

Oh, but he's not done yet...

His class gets to sing another song.

Starting to feel it again....that dancing mojo....

Ah, why not just give and dance?!

Oh yeah, rock it little guy!

Okay kids, lets all sit down for this last one....

Heh heh heh....he wants to dance again.... (See the glint in his eye as he rubs his hands together?)

Oh! He's breaking loose!

Add in a little kick for good measure....!

This kid's ON FIRE! WOOHOO!!!

I guess some parents would be embarassed, but not me. I am so happy that he had fun. And that I got to watch it. My little dancing machine.

Oh and once more, just for fun....

More recent photos to come real soon....... :)