Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It's VBS time!! It's VBS time!!!

Vacation Bible School week at our church is probably my most favorite week of the whole year. A lot of people (read that to mean adults) think of VBS and all the work that goes into and groan. It is A LOT of work. A lot of preparation, a lot of decorating, a lot of recruiting (thank You, Lord, for not giving that job to me), and it requires a lot of energy. (Listen to me. I sound like I was the one doing all that work, which I totally wasn't. Props to Monica and Kelly at church who are A-MA-ZING.)
This is Monica. And her hubby and her completely adorable and utterly adored grandson.

And here's Monica and Kelly hanging out in a storage room with "Jesus".

Hey, lookie! It's me and my kiddos a la biblical garb. =)

Then you add in a couple hundred kids and it becomes magic!

Each day all the kids received "fresh fish" with that day's memory verse on it.

Sam had sooo much fun. He was totally into it.

This is Sam's friend "A". I'd totally be okay if he ends up marrying her. Hehe.
I LOVE VBS. Love, love, love. I love seeing all the kids and how excited they are to be there. I love the cheers they come up with for their groups. I love watching them make their crafts. I love watching them learn. And interact with each other and with their leaders. I love interacting with them, myself. I love watching them learn how to give to help others.

Sam's little boat that he made in the Toymaker's Tent.

Fresh Fish! Get your fresh fish!!!
This is "A's" little sister "G." I'd totally be okay if Owen ended up marrying her. (I think he would be happy about it, too.)

I was so touched during the praise and worship portion of VBS. It's beyond beautiful to see all these little kids singing about how good God is and loving on Jesus. (They get even more into it as the week progresses. It's great!) And I really love getting to watch them pray to ask Jesus in their lives. Really, that's the main purpose for VBS. What a gift.

This little girl had just finished praying to ask Jesus in her heart.

I was so lucky to be able to run around and take pictures. This year we did a "Galilee by the Sea" theme where we basically turned the whole church into a Seaside Galilee during the times of Jesus. There was a marketplace with different "shops" like a fisherman's tent, and a sandalmakers' tent, and the carpenter's tent. All the workers dresses in biblical type costumes and took on their characters. We also had a "synagogue" where the kids learned bible stories and about jewish culture and traditions.

Sam listened intently. Hey! It's "Rabbi" Jason!

Owen did not listen so intently. Crazy kid. =)

The kids came dressed up, too. Which was really fun.

My little shepherd boys. Don't they just need a little staff to complete the ensemble?

This is "T." He is "Rabbi" Jason and Kelly's youngest. This kid just melts me. He is sooo sweet.In this photo he was praying over his snack.

Delivering fresh fish!
Here's "A" again. Isn't she cute?
And here is Marlo and our littlest Galilean, "J". Isn't this a sweet moment? I really look up to Marlo. She has a quiet and gentle spirit. And she's an amazing mom. (Which is kind of obvious from this picture.)

I have sooo many more pictures that I LOVE, but unfortunatly I didn't have a chance to ask all the parents for permission to put their kid's photos up on the net, so I can't post them.

It was such a great week. I can't wait till next summer. =D